Commands |
Command | Parameters | Description |
NOOP | | Do nothing |
LDA | Memory address [0-4095] | Load RAM content to register A |
STA | Memory address [0-4095] | Store Register A to RAM |
LDAB | Upper 4 bits of memory address [0-15] | Load lower 8 bits of memory address from register B and load RAM content to register A |
STAB | Upper 4 bits of memory address [0-15] | Load lower 8 bits of memory address from register B and store register A to RAM |
LDIA | Value [0-255] | Load Value to register A |
CALC0 | Function [0-15] | Calculate with low carry in bit |
CALC1 | Function [0-15] | Calculate with high carry in bit |
JC | Function [0-15], Memory address [0-255] | Jump to program line if calculation with low carry in bit yields high carry out bit. Use "JC 3" for unconditional jumps. "JC 6" jumps if A<=B. |
JCC | Function [0-15], Memory address [0-255] | Jump to program line if calculation with high carry in bit yields high carry out bit. "JCC 6" jumps if A<B. |
OUT | | Display content of register A |
AtoB | | Copy register A to register B |
IOACT | IO device ID [0-15] | Activate IO device matching id, deactivate all others |
IOREAD | | Reads IO data from active IO device into memory address stored in register A and overwrites register A with IO data |
IOWRITE | | Write data from memory address stored in Register A to active IO device |
HALT | | Halt computer |
Where A+B is a bitwise OR, AB is a bitwise AND and A_ is the complement of A. Taken from the HCF40181B datasheet.